Friday, April 29, 2005

Camping at El Capitan: Day One

We seriously can't believe it's been two years since our last camping trip. But the camping hiatus finally came to an end with our adventures at El Capitan State Beach, approximately 15 miles North of Santa Barbara (and an approximately 4-hour drive from our home). We had always wanted to camp there, but could never get a reservation since it's so popular. But this time around, it was early enough in the season to jack a spot.

Welcome to El Capitan State Beach, just 15 miles north of Santa Barbara. (04/30/05)

Joining us this trip would be our friends Everett and Amy (whose husband Jon couldn't attend due to a training class on Saturday). Normally we get a larger group together, but since most everyone had previous plans, we decided to make the best of it with the fab four.

We got to El Capitan around 1:00 pm. After scoping out all the available spots for the best one, we settled on a nice corner area that was close (and yet not too close) to the bathrooms, just a few steps away from a bluff overlooking the beach.

Two-tents: The bedroom (left) and the changing room (right). (04/29/05)

While we were unpacking, we realized we forgot to put our "kitchen" box into the cars. We had no knives, no serving spoons, no spatula, no corkscrew, no paper plates, no tablecloth, etc. So while Everett and Tim set up camp, Amy and I went on a shopping expedition.

Tim looks away from the sunset just long enough to smile for a picture. (04/29/05)

We figured it wouldn't be too hard to find a Target, Kmart or Walmart where we can get everything we need. We didn't find any of those, but we did find a Bed, Bath and Beyond with a Rite Aid and a grocery store next door. Between the three stores, we managed to get most everything we needed.

James and Everett make an "Amy Sandwich" on El Capitan State Beach. (04/29/05)

We then started to cook dinner: Chicken fajitas, cole-slaw (pre-prepared) and a nice bottle of Riesling. Afterward we hiked down to the beach to take pictures and watch the sun set. Then it was back to the campsite to light a campfire, make s'mores and talk half the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't you all over the place all the time. You guys sure sound like you have lots of fun.

BTW, I'm going down to Los Angeles at the end of June, begining of July to see Wicked with my cousins. We should find some time to have lunch or coffee or something for sure this time.