Sunday, March 20, 2005

We're Expecting a Response Any Day Now

As I'm sure most of you did, we too wrote some support letters to Martha Stewart during her recent prison term. (Although Tim would probably want me to point out that I was the one who wrote to Martha and signed both our names. He simply saw it as just another one of my hairbrained ideas).

My responses from Martha Stewart.
My responses from Martha Stewart.

And this week we received a response! Actually a couple of them. They're basic 4x6 postcards with the Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia logo, and they say...

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing to Martha Stewart.

While at Alderson, Martha has been receiving many thousands of encouraging letters from supporters like you. She is extremely grateful for your kind thoughts and good wishes.

Due to the heavy mail volume, Martha regrets that she does not have the opportunity to read your correspondence while at Alderson. All letters and cards have been kept for Martha's return.

On behalf of Martha Stewart and Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, we thank you for your continued support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I'm just reading this now...YEARS later, but wow, dude, kudos to you for supporting Martha even during her darkest hour! You rock!!