Sunday, November 25, 2007

All We Need is a Caterpillar and a Hookah

I think this has to qualify as possibly the most boring blog entry in the entire James & Tim Blog (and believe me, there's quite a big pool of boring ones to choose from). But after debating it, I decided what the heck, why not write about the largest mushroom to have ever grown on our front lawn?

This giant mushroom magically appeared on our lawn. (11/25/2007)
This giant mushroom magically appeared on our lawn. (11/25/2007)

This baby was discovered not by us, but by the plumber who had to come and clear the tree roots out of our main line (long story). He said we had a gigantic mushroom growing on our front lawn. And sure enough, we did.

Measures almost five inches in diameter. (11/25/2007)
Measures almost five inches in diameter. (11/25/2007)

We get mushrooms on the lawn every once in a while, but this is the biggest one I've seen. Yep, exciting lives we have here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, those pictures are kind of freaking me out. I'm already a little terrified of mushrooms, which aren't my favorite thing (except in salads) anyway, but man, those pics are likely to give me nightmares...

And that ruler laying beside it in the grass...yikes...there is something strangely forboding, almost Lynchian about that shot. "I could never eat a bug..."