Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ancient Chinese Secret No More

As often as Tim goes to Starbucks, you'd sooner expect him to know more about Chai Tea than he would about Tai Chi. Well, dear reader, that's no longer the case now that Tim and I have graduated from our 8-week course in Tai Chi (with perfect attendance to boot).

Our T'ai Chi Chih class warms up. (05/21/08)
Our T'ai Chi Chih class warms up. (05/21/08)

Inspired by our pals Amy and Jon, we signed up for a Wednesday-evening Tai Chi class at nearby Grijalva Park in Orange. T'ai Chi Chih, as it's officially called, consists of 19 stand-alone movements and one pose. The series of movements is designed to promote balance, flexibility and mental clarity (and Heaven knows we can use more mental clarity).

James and Tim with Al, their T'ai Chi Chih instructor. (05/21/08)
James and Tim with Al, their T'ai Chi Chih instructor. (05/21/08)

And based on the condition of our teacher, Al Talberg, it works! The guy is literally 80 years old and has as much energy as Tim and I put together (and probably more when you consider that Al also teaches a walking course). Not only was the class informative, it was fun too. So next time you need someone to play the "bass drum," "work the pulley," or "pull taffy," give us a holla!


Anonymous said...

Whoa, dude...I will "work my own pulley" and "pull my own taffy" if you don't mind. Wait, you're talking about T'ai Ch Chihi? Oh...sorry, my bad!

Awesome story and pics, man! So glad to put a couple of faces with those crazy old folks we see in the parks on weekends! Ha, ha...just kidding. It actually sounds like a lot of fun.

And maybe now that you guys have built up the stamina, you can sign up for Al's walking course too! :)

Anonymous said...

This was a really fun yet hard class. The last session we ran all the movements together in one chain without talking. It was very peaceful and energizing. We might be taking class #2 soon!